Environment & Sustainability
When selecting bathware & tiles from Elite, you know that you're choosing products from innovative brands and factories that are strong on environmental sustainability
For Elite, our love for bathware and tiles has always gone alongside respect for our environment. Since our doors opened 30 years ago, affiliating Elite with sustainable European companies that supply eco-friendly products has been something we make a priority.
How do you know that the products you sell are eco-sustainable?

What is actively being done for the environment from the companies you distribute?
Marca Corona uses 100% of fired and unfired ceramic rejects which is a reduction of 20,000 tonnes of ceramic waste per year, 100% waste water recovered in house, their water usage is 85% recycled water (75 million litres per year), and their cogeneration system producing 92% of their energy for the year.
Cotto Etrusco achieved a production process 100% ecological and eco-sustainable. Natural clays are hand pressed, first cooking process done in traditional ovens only using wood collected from forests ethically managed, and second cooking process done only with electrical ovens 100% with renewable energy. On top of this, all glazes and colours are made of natural oxides.
STON and Mosaico Micro making use of glass from abandoned computer monitors, with selected ranges being 100% recycled glass.
Sant. Agostino has built a cutting-edge photovoltaic system that produces 1,100,000 KWh/year, which means 507 tonnes of CO2 not released into the atmosphere every year.
VIVA uses a system for 100% recovery of wastewater and 100% reuse of all wasted tiles and sludge.
Ceramiche Caesar recycles 100% of industrial water used in production. Products are 100% made with natural raw materials with all waste going back into the production cycle.
AXOR & Hansgrohe showers and tapware fitted with EcoSmart technology use up to 60 percent less water than commercial products. Since 1990 they have been generating their own solar power with large photovoltaic systems on the roofs of their production halls.
FIMA has installed a modern photovoltaic system that allows almost complete independent and self–produced energy. From 2016, Fima has started using an innovative galvanic system with trivalent chromium, in order to reduce pollution and to eliminate any possible risk to customer health.
Ceramica Globo reuses the industrial waters in the production of the mixtures, with water savings of 10 cubic meters per day (equivalent to 10,000 litres per day). Their technical team have also created a water treatment plant with the use of natural algae (phytodepuration), producing excellent results without any impact on the ecosystem.
Vola recycles 100% of all waste from their production. They have an unwavering approach to quality control - only sourcing raw, honest materials from approved suppliers makes the most sustainable product.
Bathroom Butler only uses Grade 304 Stainless Steel, which is one of the few materials that can claim to be 100% recyclable as it can be reused without losing any of its desirable properties.
Merwe make use of 95% recycled bronze in their bronze basins. The recycled metals that makes up the bronze is copper 94%, silicon 4% and manganese 1%. The copper is salvaged primarily from old cables and piping.