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NEW PRODUCT - Ornamenta Melograno

We have another beautiful and tactile product on its way....Melograno!.... this gorgeous range lends itself to classic or contemporary. The handmade quality is visible with the artistry and handwork used to produce such a simple, delicate and unique effect, reminiscent of blue and white porcelains.

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We are surrounded and immersed in artificial intelligence and technology - at work and play, with home-life and work-life blurring together, there is a strong desire to reintroduce nature into our homes for balance.

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We explore the link between some famous works of art and architecture that we see as inspiration for some of the colours and compositions in the bathware and tile industry.

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Patterns and Textures have the ability to cross over all styles of design. From minimal self-patterning materials to adding another dimension to a riot of colour and patterns, creating a more relaxed commercial setting.

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